Wouldn't it be lovely, on such a wet and miserable bank holiday weekend, to be stranded on a hot desert island with a book?
We thought so, so welcome to the 6th part of Desert Island Books August takeover!
And it's Andrew's turn!
1. If
you were stranded on a desert island for the summer and you were only allowed
one book, which would you bring with you and why?

2. You
discover that your favourite author has washed up ashore with you – who would
it be (and why)?
JK ROWLING!!! I just adore the woman. I don't think I need
to say more than that, do I?
3. What
would be the ultimate question you’d love to ask them?

4. You
see a boat in the distance coming to rescue you… Where would you want it to
take you and why (it can be anywhere, real or fiction)?
HURRAY!!! AM SAVED!!! But... now this is a 50/50 choice. If
I could go somewhere fictional, I would ask to go to Hogwarts. Because... it's
HOGWARTS!!! But I would considered long and hard about going to New York. I
adore New York and the only time I went, I loved the city. I have such
wonderful memories of it (though there was a LOT of Starbucks Coffeeshops from
what I remember), but I think I would choose Hogwarts first and see what the
captain (and JK Rowling) would say...
blog link: http://thepewterwolf.blogspot.co.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PewterWolf13
And the blog's Facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/ThePewterWolf
Want more?
Head over to MiraInk's facebook page here telling which book you'd take on a desert island for your chance to win these fab Maria V Snyder books! Comp closes on Monday so no time to lose!
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