Welcome back and for those of you who have just joined us, welcome to Part 2 of our August Desert Island Books takeover!
We're getting in the summer spirit and hoping for a heatwave by imagining ourselves on a (beautiful, hot) desert island and asked some of our lovely bloggers to answer some fun questions all about their desert island books!
This time we have Pamela answering the questions for us!
1. If you were stranded on a desert island for the summer and you were only allowed one book, which would you bring with you and why?

2. You discover that your favourite author has washed up ashore with you – who would it be (and why)?

3. What would be the ultimate question you’d love to ask them?
The ultimate questions has to be...would you read me the third Avry novel?
4. You see a boat in the distance coming to rescue you… Where would you want it to take you and why (it can be anywhere, real or fiction)?
At last! Salvation has come for me and Maria V. Snyder. Our boat has set sail for home, because really, there's no place, fantasy or real, like home. But of course we detour to a bookshop, because I dread to think how many new releases I missed being stranded on that island.
And here are the links to Pamela's blog and Twitter:
Did you enjoy Pamela's answers? Well we've still got a great selection of bloggers with equally fab and fun answers waiting to share with you, so don't go away!
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