Last Saturday it was 'Books are my Bag' day! For those of you that don't know what this means, it's a national day to raise awareness and appreciation for independent bookshops. It's not something I had heard of until about 2 weeks ago when suddenly pictures of these lovely orange bags kept popping up everywhere and I think it is such an amazing campaign! It encourages everyone to go to their local bookshop and buy some books to support them and get a fab free bag (no kittens included i'm afraid) to go with it!

I'm among the guilty who tend to buy my books on amazon as it's cheap and pretty easy but over the past year or so I have made a conscious effort to support bookshops more and my love for independent bookshops has resurfaced. I just love the indie bookshops - they have so much life and character to them. I find that because each one is different and quirky in its own way, it makes it feel like an adventure waiting to be discovered!
I also think that the orange 'Books are my Bag' bags are fab! What a great way to celebrate BAMB day and raise awareness by having not only a lovely bag to carry all your books in, but for it to stand out and grab the attention of everyone!
The team at Harlequin HQ got their bags through last week and posted up some pictures of them having fun with them...

Another thing I have started to notice, is the uplift and spreading of book tote bags. You can get some really amazing ones, including Mira Ink's 'Book Geek' ones, that not only serve a great purpose (and are environmentally friendly) but show off that you're a book lover! I think it has definitely become cool to be a reader and to love books and so what better than to have a book bag to tell the world!

Do you have any book tote bag favourites? I managed to get a tote from Hay festival this year and I love it - I end up carrying it with me all the time!
What would you love to see on a tote bag? I'd love to have the Waterstone's ad slogan on one - I think it sums up bookshops for me:

And to spread the love even more, so you can join in Books Are My Bag day for a little bit longer... here's a small giveaway competition!
In celebration of Books Are My Bag and all things book-loving, Mira Ink have got a lovely goodie bag of books to give away! Enter below by telling us What you love most about bookshops!
(Comp ends Sunday midnight)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The things I love most about book shops is the smell and the lack of noise. when people go into my local bookshop there is an almost reverent silence. People speak in whispers and it makes the atmosphere special. And the smell is the best smell ever, nothing smells better than books.
ReplyDeleteI love finding surprises. Titles by favourite authors I didn't know about, rereleases of books long out of print, beautiful covers that you just can't appreciate online.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that I can browse and quite often find hidden gems that I'd not heard about
ReplyDeleteI love being able to browse through shelf after shelf of books looking for interesting covers that catch my eye or talking to random other book lovers who will give you a million recommendations! Nothing beats being able to physically pick up a book and skim through the first couple of pages to get a feel for the writing style and shopping online will never give you that full tactile experience you can get in a bookshop :-)
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because I can browse for practically hours! I love being able to look through books, find new ones and, weirdly, just being able to physically touch them. One thing that online orders and ebooks will never replace!
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere in bookshops...the quiet tones and the magic and excitement in the air of finding a brand new book to delve into! And I love that you can walk into a bookshop and get so many ideas and recommendations of books that you perhaps wouldn't have picked up or thought about before :)
ReplyDeleteMegan Wood xx
I love being able to get lost in a bookshop; the feeling that it's only you and the books on the shelves in front of you in the entire world.
ReplyDeleteThis post actually fills me with sadness as I don't have an independent bookshop anywhere near me, the thought of being able to go into a book shop and not know what I will find on the shelves sounds so exciting but for me its just Waterstones and the supermarkets where I actually know what will be in stock so a part of the fun is taken away.
ReplyDeleteI love walking in there and just seeing books, every where I turn. And then browsing, looking at covers and blurbs and just being in this atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteI love forgetting about the world around me, and focus on which world I want to jump into! I love the peacefulness and the calm I feel upon entering a bookshop, and I love finding gems that I didnt realise existed (which doesnt happen often!).
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of a bookshop, and I love browsing all of the gorgeous covers. There's nothing quite like purchasing a book from a local bookshop, or seeing books that you've read out in the wild. I often tend to snap pictures of them on the shelves to share! I also love hearing other bookworms discussing different books, recommending books to friends and sharing the bookish love :).
ReplyDeleteOh, that's my tweet! :) It's amazing, isn't it? He definitely put a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have to agree with Leah, one of my favourite things about bookshops is the smell. No matter how convenient online shopping is, nothing can beat that feeling when you enter a bookshop.
Another thing I love about them is that you're always guaranteed to find something unexpected, something you might not come across when shopping online. Something that, even though you haven't heard about it or don't even know the author, piques your curiosity for whatever reason and after reading it becomes one of your favourite books of all time. :)
(I entered as Vicky's Reviews)
I love talking to the people in independent bookshops. They don't hire just anyone like W H Smiths does, they hire people who actually care about books and stay up to date about new releases. People who can recommenced books because they've read them, not just because they're in the book charts. I love that local independent bookshops are part of the community, not just part of a big chain that are solely out to make money. They see you as people and they're always helpful, often ordering in books for you if you want them. It also makes me happy just to see the rows on rows of books out on the shelves and I can always judge the quality of the book on sight, unlike with Amazon where you never know how carefully they're going to handle your books. I've had many a scuffed and bashed book come through the post because Amazon's packers aren't as precious with books as they should be.
ReplyDeleteIndependent bookshops often carry unknown books that are hidden gems and discovering those is always amazing. Besides, book stores smell awesome! :D
ReplyDeleteI love everything about the books. The smell, the absolutely beautiful cover and the writing that authors put in them! I just love sharing books with my blogger/reader friends. And whenever I go to a bookstore, I can never leave without buying at least ONE book. If I go in there and my parents won't let me buy something, they would have to drag me out of there since I would be clinging to the shelves. LOL! (it did happen once)
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that Independent bookshops have a large variety of books that other stores wouldn't have. They also have a feeling of cosiness and it also feels as if we're all just part of a big whole.
ReplyDeleteYou go in to buy one book, then the next thing you know hours have passed and you have another shelf full of books to take home. You can literally pass the time in a shop but not feel pressured or 'watched'.
ReplyDeleteI love never knowing what I might find! I'll go in with a goal, and walk out with something completely different, plus 5 or 10 new books for my wishlist! And I love seeing another shopper picking up a book that I love and getting into great random conversations.
I love the smell of books and shelves upon shelves of them. The feeling of finally looking at the cover instead of on a screen. Squealing over glossy and matte finishes.
ReplyDeleteIt's always quiet and peaceful and there's always a chance of discovering something new and buying it on the spot. Bookstores are a beautiful places and each have their own personality which is amazing.
I love all the physical books on shelves and on display. It's a real wonder to look along a shelf and see a name of title that jumps out at you and be able to pull it out, read the back and flick through the first couple of pages. It's a really physical act with the touch, smell and sight combining. I hope bookshops never disappear the same way music stores have!
ReplyDeleteSadly we don't have that kind of stores here. But I guess that if I ever went to one I'd love to go without knowing what I would find, old or new tittles or weird. And they look cozy and welcoming.
ReplyDeleteIndependent bookshops are great because they're just tgat - independent. They don't have to answer to a board of directors in an office miles away, selling the books they're told to sell with targets and a numbers driven service. They're there in a town, selling to people of that town - all of whom have actual names for personal greetings and everything! Generally they do what they do because they love it, and so attract people who love books, and it's just a big old pile of book loving! ;)
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of new books, the look of them all aligned and stacked neatly in their displays. I like that feeling you get when you walk into a bookshop. The fact that everything is calm and quiet, letting you focus on the task at hand - choosing a new book. (Or, to be more honest, more than one..!) Inevitably, things will transpire in such a way that you will probably find something you never expected to when you first walked in!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about bookshops is that they all share your love of books! There's nothing more booklovers like than to talk about books with likeminded people and bookshops are the perfect portal for that.
ReplyDeleteThe thing I like most about bookshops is the books! And the smell. They always smell of books.
ReplyDeleteMajor lust for that tote bag...AND the books in it as well.
ReplyDeleteGreat! I really love tote bags and I collect them haha. I still don't have a bookish bag :)
ReplyDeleteI used to work in a bookstore so the thing I love the most about bookstores are the people in them. The booksellers are always really passionate and knowledgeable and the customers who come in and who engage with the books and with us booksellers were always fantastic and interesting. Every day would be different and I'd have amazing conversations with a big variety of different people. I really miss working in my bookstore...
ReplyDeleteThanks for the fab giveaway! :)
I love that independent bookstores feel more human. Just by the decor, the smell, it almost makes me feel at home. I'm much more inclined to stay there browsing longer and looking into titles I'd never heard of before. :)
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because... they are there, a bookshop is one of the few places I feel I belong, surrounded by the smell of new books and just randomly browsing allows me to find new things to read and fall in love with. I know in bookshops I am around people like me and even though we may never utter a word to one another with just a look over a book I know that they also understand how it feels to be there.
ReplyDeleteI love the fact that I get to hang out in a cozy store with people who love books as much as me. Instead of simply driving sales, they genuinely care about helping you to choose a book that you are truly interested in and are just as enthusiastic to hear your thoughts and opinions to help them discover books they will love too.
ReplyDeleteI can honestly say that bookshops are my favourite places on earth. I love the fact that there is no pressure on you in a bookshop, & that you can wander & browse for ages.
ReplyDeleteI love the discovery that comes with bookshops. I find they often take the time to really think about what goes out on the "feature" tables and how they group books for special displays, so you're always finding something new. Plus there's always someone around to give recommendations if you're feeling uninspired. I find I really get the feeling that I'm in a place with other people who truly care about books and about connecting those books with the right readers, which is always wonderful.
ReplyDeleteSince I've been living in a town without a bookstore or a solid library I get excited about seeing even a general store with just one book inside. LOL But there was this one bookstore in Ljubljana where the shelves had the funniest names ever and the smell was just heaven-only bookish people understand the allure of book scent. I used to beg my mom for this huge and really expensive book about Egypt. She eventually got it for my birthday. :D
ReplyDeleteI love going to bookshops for the personable atmosphere. Bookshops staff are always so friendly and helpful with good book recommendations. It's fun going on a trip to the bookshop to find my favourite read!
ReplyDeleteI love the homely feel of indie bookstores, not like the big box places. The people who work there are usually friendly and are real book lovers!
ReplyDeleteIts always a new adventure, find a new writer investigate their world, meet their characters. Its great to have someone to recommend similar books to much loved ones, making that introduction to you. And just looking at what an organised bookshelf is like - mine never look like those ones! ;-)
ReplyDeleteI love going to bookshops for the books, there are so many of them
ReplyDeleteI love the peace i get in a bookstore. You can go into a bookstore and it is just calm. You don't have people around you constantly asking you why you are reading and 'just watch the movie instead'. The people there are also book lovers and understand. I also love the huge selection of books on display. There is so many possibilities and the staff are always nice and recommend books they have read.
ReplyDeleteThe peacefulness of bookshops is quite unique in this day and age,something very British about them.
ReplyDeleteI love the quietness of the bookshop. Being able to roam around the shop and taking my time reading each blurb on the back of the book. The smell of new books is refreshing. The touch of a new book in my hands and looking for a new adventure to read.
ReplyDeleteI love the homey atmosphere. Bookshops are my safe zone and whenever I need to meet someone, I always tell them to meet me at one of stores because waiting in a public area gives me panic attack. Being surrounded by books is like a safe blanket that tunes out the rest of the world. Being inside doesn't make me worry about the people because I know that those people understand me and also live in a world of words, too. Me and those people are like kindred spirits.
ReplyDeleteI love the way you can enter a bookstore with an idea of the book you'r looking for, yet end up spending hours on end flicking through books and meeting all these new characters. I love the way they make you feel like you're at your second home, especially the little corner stores - not the big brand ones like WHSmith and Waterstones (though I do love Waterstones). I especially love it when the owenrs love books as much as you do, and make you feel super welcome, sometime they even make you a cup of tea to enjoy the book with. There aren't many bookstores around where I live, but I found one in a tiny little corner in town and it is absolutely adorable, with all my favourite authors - it's a home away from home. The best thing about it is the fact that no one knows about it, it's like my little secret hideaway.
ReplyDeleteIt has got to be the smell, for a booksniffer like me it is absolute heaven!!! Hehehehe!!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing(s) about bookshops is the pretties, the serenity and the SMELL! ;o)
ReplyDeleteI love bookstores because I can spend hours on end in them and find books and then more books and then even more books lol! Let's just say that my credit card gets a workout lol!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the personalized recommendations! Small bookstores are so much more personal and it gives you a chance to better chat with it's employees and find out what they recommend =D
ReplyDeleteI love independent bookshops because they aren't just the photocopy bookstores around. They have hidden books that are waiting to be discovered and atmosphere of them are always welcoming.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell, but more than that the atmosphere! All the stories you are surrounded by is amazing and it's a great place to start a conversation with other book lovers:)
ReplyDeleteIt's like - one step, and this step brings you into a new, yet familiar world,and my heart is full to the top,I love smell of the books,I love that special magical world! :)
ReplyDeleteThe thing I love about bookshops is that as soon as you walk in there, you're just consumed by the magical worlds that all these books hold, instantly. And it stays with you until you leave. Bookshops contain brand new dreams and wins and failures and lives - whether fictional or not - and there is nothing quite that like witnessing that. :)
ReplyDeleteGosh I've only just realised that there shouldn't be a 'that' at the end there. Sorry about that!
DeleteChloe (W-O-W) xo
Being literally surrounded by shelves and shelves of books! It's overwhelming. And there's always that feeling of a 'pregnant' hush, like there's something going on all around, but there's really not.
ReplyDeleteBooshops are amazing because they are the perfect escape, there's nothing better than being surrounded by the smell of books. I can happily wander for hours, just reading blurbs and looking for something new. I just wish it was easier to decide which books I want to bring home!
ReplyDeleteI love to see each indie bookstore's layout. They have this intimacy to them that I just adore.
ReplyDelete- Stella C
I love walking around and looking at all the books. I wait for one to call to me specifically. Then I know what I should read!
ReplyDeleteI also like to spy and see what others are reading. Will it be good?
The earthy smell is my favourite thing as well as the excitement of discovering a new author.
ReplyDeleteI love discovering new books that I wouldn't usually read and I also love helping other buyers choose books by my recommendations
ReplyDeleteI love the smell, the way the books feel against my fingertips. The way you can almost ways find a seat and go ahead and start the book. The fact that the people that are there are all there for the same reason, an escape to a whole new world.
ReplyDeleteI love indie books shops because they are each different and unique in their own way. They don't all carry the same books and they have personality. I know that when I want genre fiction I can go to Mysterious Galaxy. Or when I want YA/kids books I can go to Once Upon A Time. And if I want a larger selection of many genres, I can hit up Vromans. Stores like B&N are nice for when I want the latest best seller or am up for a late night book jaunt, but indies are great for discovering new things. Also, the employees at indie book stores have the best knowledge of books. They are always good for recommendations.
I love how when I walk into a bookshop I immediately feel like I'm home. Being greeted by the intoxicating smell. Seeing friends old and new proudly displayed on the shelves. Unearthing new treasures. And just being surrounded by like minded people. You can strike up a conversation with a complete stranger all because you like the same book.
ReplyDeleteI love browsing through shelves, you never know if you will find your new favorite read, I love interacting with people while buying, sharing opinions and I love the smell of books :)
ReplyDeleteThree steps into a book shop and you can instantly feel the noise volume decrease. Everybody is always incredibly kind, silently moving out of each others way, hardly ever even having to utter words like excuse me.
ReplyDeleteThe smell is like no other, I do love smelling books and there is never a shortage in book shops, haha.
Being surrounded by people who love books just as much if not more so than you.
I always tell my family to drop me off at a book store when we go shopping and come back to pick me up when they're done, because I hate clothes shopping but love book stores. (They never do though :( )
When you come in a bookshop it's like you step into another world and the books are beggin you to read them.I love that it has a specific smell of books that always draws me in,that each bookshop has their own unique character,that you have all the time in the world to buy a book (there is no rush) and someone always will spend time talking to you about what you are looking for and make recommendations if you are looking for something new.Bookshops are my own heaven,they are my excape from problems and real world.
ReplyDeleteYou can have a decent natter down at your local book store :D
ReplyDeleteWhere I live there aren't many that sell the books I love, but I still get a thrill out of going there. You can freely check out all of the shelves and just take in the beautiful atmosphere and smell of books, it's so much of a joy. I love seeing the books laid out there.
ReplyDeleteBesides the typical smell there is another thing - freedom. I love it when I come into a bookstore and I can search all I want without anyone interrupting me. At least in my bookstore here they pretty much leave you alone to search but if you need their help they're somewhere close by. :)
ReplyDeleteI love how every time you go into a bookshop something will be a little bit different. New books and old books will have arrived and it makes the visit all that more exciting as you discover them hidden like gems! I also love the people who work in bookshops, they are some of the most passionate people I have ever met.
ReplyDeleteBook shops...sometimes they don't even feel like a part of this world. As soon as you enter through the gate, you are enveloped in the soothing silence of the minds who have temporarily (but wholly) escaped this world and into the book they gently hold in their hands. As you walk through the aisles you are caressed by the gentle breeze of the rustling of pages as they are turned. I think the most enthralling aspect of being the book store is the overwhelming fact that priceless, endless treasures of knowledge awaits you in those books. All those hours you can spend entrapped as someone else, in another life, in another universe, all the possibilities, all that wealth and wisdom in every single word of all of the books. And how you are just a touch away from being a part of it all. Whenever I enter a bookstore I am thrilled, overjoyed, like a kid in a sweet factory. I love the natural light that pours in from the windows and makes everything look radiant. I love the fact that this particular place on the surface of the earth as been occupied solely to keep books. I love skimming my hands over the spines of the books as I tiptoe my way through the aisles.
ReplyDeleteI sense him approaching me with soft steps, with a hint of smile playing on his lips, and his eyes enticed by what book I have chosen to analyze this time, I love his enthusiasm, and how kind he is as he politely escorts me through what he thinks might interest me. His suggestions never fail me. It's admirable how well informed he is, how he knows every book and every author inside out, and how he is he thoroughly aware of every millimeter of his bookstore; he could probably go around blindfolded all day and still know what place every book holds in his little store. His faith in bookstores inspires me.
For me bookstores are a safe haven, they are small rooms full of endless possibilities. They are peace and beauty, and they're safe-keepers of the words of people. Beautifully displaying them to the world, nourishing and protecting the souls of those who pour their hearts and imagination out in those pages, until someone comes in and decides to own them.
p.s. I really want that bag!
I love them because they have a cozy and homey feel to them. There aren't many where I live so when I get the chance to go to one I love it. It's like heaven! Lol. Awesome giveaway. Thanks
ReplyDeleteIts simple I love book shops because they have books in them! Plus I just love the happy feeling I get when in the book store.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about bookshops is the universal secret pact between nearly every single book worm of quite & consideration so each person in the shop can slip into their own little world of that book they have in their hand :)
ReplyDeleteWalking into a bookstore just completely excites me! I love all of the books lining the walls waiting to be looked at, bought and read. I love that you can ask about a book and find a hidden gem with the help of a knowledgeable, just as enthusiastic, book obsessed worker. Bookstores are just so cosy and magical, a gateway to a hundred, a thousand different worlds hidden inside these small (sometimes big) paper books. It really does send a wave of happiness over me to step inside a bookstore.
ReplyDeleteI love the feeling of having new books stacked around me- it's like being in another world and also the smell.... of home and books =)
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere in bookshops and also how nice the staff are. My local bookstore had a signing by one of my favourite authors during my exams. I couldn't make it so the staff got a book signed and personalised for me :D
ReplyDeleteMostly the atmosphere, just walking in and browsing to find new books is wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI think the thing I love most about bookshops is that you find things by accident that you might never discover and also instead of a computer telling you that other people bought these four or five books you can talk to a real person and ask them what they've been reading.
ReplyDeleteI love being able to discover books old and new - if only my bank account felt the same!
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway, I couldn't get one of those bags and I really want one!
ReplyDeleteI love being able to walk into a book shop and take a deep breath, ahhh the smell of books! there is nothing quite like it. It's feels like home the second you walk in and then once you are in, you are surrounded by adventure, possibilities, friends. A whole world to discover.
I love being able to stroll past the shevles, reaching out to books, looking through, discovering something different - and that's the beauty, there is always something different everytime you enter! And you never know what you might find hiding among the shelves just waiting to be picked up.
Browsing online isn't the same, in a bookshop you can get a feel, a smell, a look and even try a bit of a book.
Book shops are like sanctuaries, everyone is welcome, no one is judged and there is always something there that you want or need.
Long may bookshops remain!
I love the endless possibilities of so many books! I even love the smell of a bookshop (hubby thinks I'm weird lol. I would rather buy a good book (or preferably a series) than anything else.
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because I can browse through shelves and discover new interesting titles.It's something about the atmosphere that makes me feel very good and free to choose whatever I like.It's different than electronic books because of the feelings I get when I hold a book.So bookshops are very special to me and I tend to spend long hours there.
ReplyDeleteThe atmosphere and friendly staff!
ReplyDeleteI love the cozyness of it and the feelings of being in the presence of books. It's like getting a hug from an old friend.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell and the neighborhood feel to the bookstore. Oh, and the overly friendly staff who read as much as I do.
ReplyDeleteI like that most of them carry just books so that you are among all booklovers and not those people who look at you funny while you are looking at books because they are in there getting some latte thing and don't care about the books.
ReplyDeleteI love the smell and the history! Just imagining all the other people who have enjoyed the books before me gives me so much joy. And the staff at independent stores are there because they love their job and books, not just because it's a job.
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because I can spend hours looking for books and never get bored :) (Ileana A.-rafflecopter)
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because they are awesome, especially the independent ones. I think my favorite thing about going to a book store is reading the recommendations from the book sellers. They always know of great books!
ReplyDeleteI love the variety. Independent bookstores seem to have the books that are a little more obscure but ones that I really want to read! And the staff are often passionate and knowledgeable about books! IT's fantastic. I nearly always some home with more books that I planned on buying because their enthusiasm has convinced me that I need to read whatever they recommend!
ReplyDeleteI love that they feel unique and don't have that big brand named plastered in every state; however, I love that they tend to be one of a kind and no two independent bookstores are ever the same.
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere in any bookstore. It doesn't matter if it's a large chain or an independent one. But I feel like as though independent bookstores tend to have a "homie" vibe to them. I can sit back and read peacefully. maybe even enjoy a cup of coffee. Plus I feel that since they are independent owned they have a special touch to the that make them one of a kind.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, I love the feeling I get when inside an indepedent bookstore - all parts excitement and anticipation and joy. It's quiet and peaceful and serene and I instantly feel at home surrounded by all these great books waiting to be opened and read. I love that I could get myself lost in it and forget about the time and get away from reality for a while.
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with all the people who said atmosphere. Any book-store is a great place, but the indie ones are all very special and every one of them is different. That's amazing. :)
ReplyDeleteThe power of real,physical books in your hand is one of the best thing a bookshop could definitely give us. The atmosphere, people who talks about books you want and doesn't like. The way we could read and talk about them with other book geeks that we can't do outside the bookshop.
I love the smell and the atmosphere of them. I love how friendly the staff are and how you can find some hidden gems :)
ReplyDeleteEven though I love my Kindle and ebooks, I still find myself buying many books from bookshops. Being able to browse books and discover new things, in an environment where everyone else loves books too :) One of my fondest bookshop memories is going to a till to pay for my purchases & having the sales assistant squeal at my book choices because she loved them too! In the same shop I ended up having a long conversation with someone about our recent reads. I'm also a regular library user, another brilliant way of discovering new reads & sharing a passion for books with others. Basically I love anything to do with books!
ReplyDeleteI just love that a book shop is so tactile, you don't get that with a website!
ReplyDeleteI adore shopping in book stores. The smell, the atmosphere and the fact that you discover books you've never heard of. I love talking to the shop assistants and other customers about books and getting recommendations in store. I lose myself in book stores when I'm browsing and have sometimes spent hours just searching and looking at books. It's something I've always loved doing and nothing can beat physically going into a book store to look around. There's nothing like it.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing better than walking in to a bookshop and smelling all that print and paper. The covers seductive like a lustful woman simply sexy stories to take you to another place.
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere of a bookshop, I love being surrounded by the thing I love most. It's so overwhelming I tend to spend half my time just staring around in awe (drawing strange looks as knowing smiles). I love browsing the books and being surrounded by people who share my passion and seeing the same love for book in their faces. It's safe to say that I LOVE independent bookstores.
ReplyDeleteI have been in few bookshops, but I remembered one in particular. And what I loved about this one, is that I felt at home, it was so cosy and full of new books. I just could afford to buy two, but I am happy, because I will always have two books that will remind me of that nice bookstore.
ReplyDeleteWorkers in independent bookshops are more helpful and more friendly to customers. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops for the smell as it seems that many others do too! But what I really love is when you're in a bookshop, you're surrounded by fellow booklovers, whether they work there or are customers, we all love books! Which is the thing that makes them special for me :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about bookshops is the atmosphere. In this place where you have so many young , old and middle-aged people looking for that little bit of escapism. That little thing that is going to take them out of their current situation and transport them to a place where they are reading about someone else's problems and not their own. The atmosphere is electric. You meet such interesting people and get the best book recommendations there, and you can just see in their faces how much this book has changed and impacted on them.
ReplyDeleteBookshops will always be a sacred, reverent and awe-inspiring place for me
Depends on the shop really. I have been to a few that were not horribly organized and I kind of loved it. You actually look through everything and you really never know exactly what you are going to find. Sometimes Independent book stores carry the books I would normally have to order online and normally have staff that actually know what you are talking about (mostly)
ReplyDeleteI love discovering new books, talking to people who have the same passion as I, love the smell of books :P
ReplyDeletewhen you walk into a independent book store you now that you are amongst like minded people that read alot like yourself. its so easy to make a conversation with someone and chat about a book you have in your hand etc and its nice to get peoples recommendations for a good read while you are there.
ReplyDeleteI love that you can come across books you might not have heard about, & end up loving
ReplyDeleteThe thing I love most about bookshops, was something I found when I used to work in one, that moment when you were sharing a book you loved with a customer and when they'd come back in later and tell you how much they loved it.
ReplyDeleteI loved the discovery of new books, of sharing what you love with other people.
I love them because you get to walk around for hours look at all the different books take them off the shelves.I have made some nice friends in independent book stores since most are very customer friendly not like the big chains to me anyway. Love that you can dig through all the books an find exactly the one you want.
ReplyDeleteI love to go in and smell the books, feel the books in my hands. I can spend hours in a bookshop picking up books I wasnt even looking for and finding my new favourite writter. I love how the staff can give you addtional information about the book or its author. I never come out of a bookshop empty handed. x
ReplyDeleteThere's a quietness to bookshops that can suck you into other worlds and other lives.You can re-connect with an old friend or start out on a brand new relationship just by taking a book off the shelf. You will always leave a bookshop taking something with you, it's like magic.
ReplyDeleteI love bookshops because that's where I'm likely to find that hidden gem of a book. A book I might not have seen before, a book I've noticed because the cover jumped out at me off the shelf. Bookshop staff are always so friendly and knowledgable too. Oh, and I can't forget the great events bookshops put on!
ReplyDeleteI love finding other book lovers. So many times I get asked if I have read a book and if I have if I liked it.
ReplyDeleteI love walking in and feeling at home with the more personal service. You get to know the owners and it makes you feel much better knowing you are getting something you love and at the same time helping out the owners who become your friends. A win win for all. :-D
ReplyDeleteThe variety, it's fab that I can take my kids and teach them about the wonderful world of books and also pick myself something out to read as well!
ReplyDeleteI love walking around ad being able to look at and touch the books, the covers draw me in and I can then read the back and if that entices me then the first page. I can then make my purchase or purchases as it usually is :D
ReplyDeleteI love bookstores because it holds endless possibilities for finding a new to me author ro even finding a book by a favorite author who I didn't see...besidesif I become a fixture there, the owner always has a smile and enjoys seeing your delight in finding that gem of a read
ReplyDeleteI haven't really experienced buying anything from an independent bookshop since there are only a few here in the Philippines but based from what I've read before, independent bookshops have plenty of books! So that's enough reason for me to love it! :)
ReplyDeleteThe spines. All of the spines. I love discovery and the spines hide a lot if excitement inside. I love sniffing out a good book!
ReplyDeleteI love finding a new book and beginning an adventure! The cover draws me in and makes me pull a book off the shelf.
ReplyDeleteI love that independent bookstores feel like being at home. The staff love books, the other shoppers love books and spending hours trailing my fingers over spines with other people makes me happy :-D
ReplyDeleteI love how bookshops remind you just why you became a reader in the first place. The door to a bookshop is the door to a thousand parallel universes, and we fall more in love with books of all kinds the second we choose to enter.
ReplyDeleteI love how bookshops have such a unique and cozy feel to them. You can literally get lost in one of them for hours. The internet may make it easier to get access to huge amounts of books but it can never beat the feeling of finding those hidden gems amongst all the other great books, surrounded by the wonderful smell and fantastic staff. :D xx
ReplyDeleteI love independent book shops. When I was a kid my mum would have to drag me away from our local one. They have more charm than chain stores and the staff are always way more helpful. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm very lucky in brighton to have some great indie bookshops..including one for children in Hove . The joy of taking your child into a bookshop and saying.'go on, you can choose something to take home ' surpasses the online buying experience by a mile..
ReplyDeleteI love finding new books that I have never heard of before by browsing, my favourite thing to do!
ReplyDeleteI just love the smell of book shops especially the older ones, I can't describe in words how wonderful it makes me feel or how exciting it is knowing I can just browse to my harts content whilst floating on that wonderful smell
ReplyDeleteI love the smell and going in knowing I'm going to find a book I have no idea about and to go on an adventure.
ReplyDeleteThey are full of books. What more can you say. :0)
ReplyDeleteI love knowing when I enter that I am soon going to be going on many adventures! I love the smell of all the books, and I love being able to help or receive help from other shoppers on what book is going to best fill my desires. I love discussing books with other shoppers as well.
ReplyDeleteWalking into a bookshop is like finding treasure. There are so many new adventures and new people to meet between the pages just by putting out your arm and taking a new treasure off the shelf.
ReplyDeleteThere are new friends to get to know and old ones to catch up with just by buying a new book
And when you've bought it, holding it tight and smelling the new pages is just like Christmas every time.
I feel like a kid in a sweet shop when i walk in. So much choice! I get a real buzz from bookshops. I love looking at all the titles I didn't know existed, venturing into unknown terrain (sticking to one genre is so boring). I feel like an explorer when i poke about in random aisles and have a touch of the Indiana Jones when I find a treasure hidden away. It's exciting to choose a book, the one that will be my companion for the next week or two and go everywhere with me. Bookshops are addictive :)
ReplyDeleteThe potential - all those books unread, all those lives unlived.
ReplyDeletethe smell of the ink and new paper. the smooth look of the cover. a new book un-touched by anyone else.
ReplyDeletei love books.
Beyond the sight and smell of all those books. I love finding new books, a lot of the lesser known, small local bookstores have recommendations I wouldn't find otherwise. Box bookstores usually only have Best sellers as recommended reads.
ReplyDeleteI love how no matter where you are in the world, when you walk into a book store you feel right at home! Love the sight of all the book you have read and all the ones you've yet to discover! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteIndie bookshops are a dying breed and as such ought to be in the "protected" status by law.
ReplyDeleteThe people are my favorite, they are always very charismatic ad unique/colourful personalities with their own amazing stories to tell. It is much more intimate as well, where a sin chain or big brand book stores you need to search and search for an employee to barley help you.
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ReplyDeleteI love how the owners get to know you personally, giving you recommendations and personal updates on orders, release dates etc... I love finding hidden treasures and searching the shelves for hours. Often, they stock more unique and less known books just waiting to be discovered and it's always a joy to come across a forgotten book or a new book full of potential.
ReplyDeleteIndependent book sellers have a passion for books- it's great to see their enthusiasm of books and always endearing to know they have the same passion as you- they're also knowledgeable and willing to have discussions with you.
The shops themselves are more intimate and smaller, giving me the opportunity to look at other buyer's purchases and contemplate whether their books should make it onto my ever growing 'to-read' list.
Finally, one of the things I love most are the window displays. My local independent book shop chooses a 'book of the month' and dedicates a display which always seems to capture the world of the book- drawing me in. The care, attention and hard work they do is so clearly demonstrated and it's a shame that big brand chains never take the time to display the beauty of books in such a manner.
What I love the most about bookshops is the fact that, as soon as I get in to one, I feel totally at home. It’s such a cosy, intellectual and surprising place, where you can loose yourself for hours, searching for the right book to read next.
ReplyDeleteI love going into my local bookshop as the bookseller knows exactly what I enjoy and gives me top recommendations every time.
ReplyDeleteThe smell of new books, the peace and quiet calms my stressful life and it's always a place to lose myself browsing until I can face reality once again, with a new book in hand.
I love the fact that they're personal, not some chain bookstore with not much of the feels. Plus, the boss seems ti be genuinely in love with books and gives out great recommendations. It's like home away from home.
ReplyDeleteI love that bookshops feel like you're coming home. It's nice to get lost in a bookshop browsing for a few hours because you forget that there's a place outside of it. The knowledge that there is so many storylines in every book that's on the shelves entices you to live their lives, if only for a few hours.
ReplyDeleteShopping online might be easier, but nothing beats being surrounded by books everywhere in a bookshop! And being able to hold the book in your hands, flip through the pages, admire the cover and breathe in that bookish smell- yeah, it's totally bookworm heaven. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favourite thing about bookstores is meeting new people :) they can be so lovely and share the same intrest as you, so why not make new friends along the way?
ReplyDeleteI love that they have so many books and that I can take my time to browse around!
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of the stores, they smell like old books awaiting to be discovered
ReplyDeleteI've found nothing to beat the customer service of an independent book store. The staff are normally super friendly and go out of their way to help you. And who can't love the atmospheric smell of a new and used book store? It goes along with experience. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere and the bonds you form with the book sellers. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the smell of new books :)
ReplyDeleteI.. well, I don't have a special bookstore here in my town in Norway. It's just a small one with just a few English YA books, and that sucks :( but I would love to have a good bookstore. I would have loved to just look at all the pretty books :)
ReplyDeleteI love looking around and pretending that the shelves are my own. Browsing the never ending shelves, reading the blurbs. Also, discovering sections filled with genres you've never thought of reading and buying a book from there because it is so unusual. But most of all, I love leaving the bookshop with aching arms because you've just bought a ridiculous amount of books knowing you've supported another bookshop. :)
ReplyDeleteI love the atmosphere. As soon as you walk in you know you're in a place filled with many other book lovers. I don't think I've ever been in a bookshop where I've felt unwelcome, there's always been that lovely sense of warmth and joy that comes with reading a book. I get the same vibe from my local library, I could just curl up in a corner there with a good book and be perfectly content.
ReplyDeleteFor me bookshops mean so many things. Memories, mostly, as a child our family holidays to Cornwall meant needing to leave space in the car on the way there as we'd spend so much time in book shops and then we'd read our books on the beach - Even the last holiday I had, just my mum and I, about 6 years ago, we spent our evenings in our hotel room, companionable silence as we both read our hauls of books from our days in the book shops. Book shops are a sound, they're a smell, they're a feeling and they're a haven where you can feel like everyone else has at least one thing in common with you. My fiance and I went book shopping together on our first date - For us a book shop is now luxury; we're both parents so quietly browsing a book shop is a real rarity - It was so lovely to have been able to do that together as it's something we both love and one day, once our children are older, we'll be able to introduce them to the joy of a book shop as they both love books too.
ReplyDeleteMy gfc name is Laura-Faerie but rafflecopter will have my name as Laura Pettitt (if I was lucky enough to win I wouldn't want it to look like I hadn't commented)
ReplyDeleteI love how they are so much more personal, often with a wonderfully cozy atmosphere, which is perfect for a bookaholic like myself who doesn't like crowds. Plus, folks who work here are usually so much more knowledgeable about books than in chain stores. I just wish there were more around these days as I loved to hit them during breaks when still at Uni many years ago.
ReplyDeleteI love talking to the staff and seeing all those books in one place. So many possibilities!
I love endlessly browsing all those books!!
ReplyDeleteThe thing I love about independant bookstores are the fact that they're so quaint, lovely and individual! You never know what books you'll find there. I just love walking into a bookshop - the smell is always amazing and I love seeing so many books lined up on the shelves. I get such an incredible feeling just looking at all of them and they always cheers me up when I'm feeling down! :)